Budget Development System


LIS components, referred to as the Budget Bill System, are used to develop the budget bill, as it progresses through the legislative process. During a typical session, there will be an introduced version, an enrolled version, and a chapter version of the budget bill. Each of these versions are printed using Compuset, the hardcopy is reproduced on a large scale by a contract printing vendor, and copies are distributed from the Legislative Bill Room.


Old technology (DB2, Cobol, CICS, Compuset) drives this system, and agency support of this technology is limited. The system was designed to integrate with the old DBP Budgeting System, which has since been replaced by a new system. Information exchange between DPB and DLAS is achieved using flat files and network shares, increasing the likelihood of redundant or stale data.


DLAS will deploy a Web-based solution using the latest application programming techniques and proven end user collaboration methodologies. Tighter integration with the Budget Amendment System has the potential to automate updates and modifications.