
We train LIS and Lobbyist-in-a-Box users

Our training classes are designed to help all levels of LIS users, including people who have never used LIS before. Need a tool to keep track of legislation? Use Lobbyist-in-a-Box, and no, you don't have to be a lobbyist to use it.

New-user courses are geared towards people who have never used DLAS systems before. It offers a basic overview of the legislative process and how LIS is used to track it. This class also covers Lobbyist-in-a-box in which you can register for a free user ID or become a subscriber.

Existing-user courses are geared towards people who have used our systems before. With months between legislative sessions, the existing-user class reacquaints our users with LIS for tracking legislation, and introduces newly implemented features.

Training classes are held virtually via Zoom. Classes take place before the start of each legislative session, near the end of the calendar year. Consult the training schedule for more information about DLAS class offerings.

We train legislative staff

DLAS also conducts training classes for legislative agencies. Our classes are designed to train legislative staff to use DLAS Systems. These classes address the needs of new legislative staff members and are conducted as needed.