Regulation Infomation System 2.0


The Regulation Information System (RIS) 2.0 is a re-write of the Regulation Information System, which allows state agencies to create, edit, or repeal administrative code sections for which they are responsible. The system shares data with the Department of Planning and Budget's Town Hall system, and allows proposed changes to be submitted to the Registrar's Office for inclusion in the bi-weekly Register publication. The system creates the bi-weekly Register of Regulations publication that notifies the public of intended regulatory actions, and updates the online Virginia Administrative Code with changes that have become effective. The system relies on Web services and integrations with the Law Portal and Register Portal websites.


RIS 2.0 was upgraded using current application development and Web design standards. The focus of the upgrade was to streamline the regulation promulgation processes, simplify data input, and modernize the Web application design. The new system works across all current browsers and replaces Word with html editors. The time and effort required to create the Register of Regulations has been greatly reduced. The historical information that the Registrar's Office is charged with archiving was migrated to the new system and is available for reporting and searching by the Registrar's Office.